Master the essentials of Google Business Profile roles to secure and optimise your online presence. Learn the differences between Owners and Managers, and how to assign roles for efficient and safe profile management.
Google Business Profile
Maximise your hotel’s visibility with Google Business Profile amenities optimisation. Update features like free Wi-Fi, pools, or pet-friendly policies to boost relevance in local searches and attract more guests.
Your Google menu is more than a list of dishes—it’s a tool to enhance search relevance and attract diners. Discover how to optimize it with detailed descriptions, keywords, and updates to stand out in local searches and Google Maps.
Google Posts are a powerful tool in Google Business Profile that lets businesses engage with customers directly on search results. Discover 5 best practices and tips for maximising their impact on local SEO.
Spam reviews, even positive ones, can harm your business’s credibility. Discover how to identify, report, and manage fake reviews on Google. Learn about malicious practices, the impact on your online presence, and strategies to protect your reputation.
Discover how to manage your hotel’s Google editorial summary. Understand limitations, update factually incorrect details, and use alternative strategies like Google Posts, Q&A, and accurate amenities to improve your hotel’s online presence.
Rebranding your hotel on Google Business Profile? Learn the essential steps to manage your GBP, decide between inheriting or starting fresh, and ensure your hotel’s successful transition and continued online presence.
Elevate your business with strategic Google category selection. From selecting the right primary category to leveraging secondary categories strategically, this guide equips you with actionable tips to enhance local search visibility and attract your target audience.